The Craft Room - The Possibilities are Endless!

"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

My greatest creation - Savannah

My greatest creation - Savannah
Mommy and Savvy in the craft room - Feb. 09

Sunday, July 5, 2009

MOMS Club Scrapbook Group

So, I'm the Scrapbooking Chairmom for my MOMS Club and I'm super excited because this is the first month that I'm hosting. The theme is Orange and Buttons. The ladies and kiddos are coming over on Thursday and I wanted to have my page done just in case someone else needed assistance on their page. Anyway, I had a great time using this theme and I created a super cute page for Savannah's book. I made lollipop flowers with a button in the middle of each and created a little garden at the bottom of the page symbolizing our girl growing like a flower. She's walking now so I got a few pics of her pitter pattering and titled the page you guessed it - pitter patter. Too Cute! Hope you take a little inspiration from my page. Smooches! Amy